How to Hire Investment Analysts in 3 Easy Steps

How to Hire Investment Analysts in 3 Easy Steps

In the competitive arena of financial services, finding the right investment analyst is a game-changer for your company’s success. However, sifting through candidates to find that perfect match is easier said than done. At Godfrey Group, we excel in linking...

How Do I Ask For a Salary Increase?

How Do I Ask For a Salary Increase?

If you're questioning whether your pay matches your contributions at work, you're not alone. 67% of Australian professionals think they should get at least a 3% salary increase. However, asking for a salary increase isn't just about earning more money – it's about...

Entry-level Finance Jobs to Kickstart Your Finance Career

Entry-level Finance Jobs to Kickstart Your Finance Career

Are you stepping off campus with a degree in hand or looking to pivot your career journey? If you're considering a career in finance, now is an excellent time. Australia’s finance sector offers an array of exciting opportunities for those just starting their career...

Is the 4-Day Work Week the Future of Finance?

Is the 4-Day Work Week the Future of Finance?

Dreaming of a long weekend? Some Australians get one every week – with full-time pay. The concept of 4-day work weeks isn't new, but it has been gaining significant traction, especially in the finance sector. If you're a business owner contemplating this shift, you...

Benefits Vs Salary: How Does it Stack Up?

Benefits Vs Salary: How Does it Stack Up?

As a manager, team Leader or HR professional, attracting top talent is essential for the growth and success of your company. You’ve no doubt by now figured out that to compete in today's competitive job market, you need to offer more than just a competitive salary....

6 Ways Embracing FinTech Can Accelerate Growth

6 Ways Embracing FinTech Can Accelerate Growth

In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, technology has emerged as a catalyst for transformation across industries, delivering a profound impact on efficiency and growth. However, despite Australia being one of the world’s top 10 FinTech markets, some...

Does Your Business Require a Degree for EVERY Role?

Does Your Business Require a Degree for EVERY Role?

In today's dynamic business landscape, the value of a university degree has been a subject of debate, particularly in the financial services sector. While some argue that a degree is indispensable for career advancement, others contend that practical experience and...

Procrastination – is it Ever a Positive Thing?

Procrastination – is it Ever a Positive Thing?

In the busy and ever-changing world of financial services, we’re often faced with what seems to be too many competing priorities. If you are anything like me, you may find yourself procrastinating, promptly followed by feelings of guilt for lack of progress on...

Fun at Work – Do We Really Have to?

Fun at Work – Do We Really Have to?

Do you dread team building days, weekend drinks & bowling, or the karaoke doo with colleagues? We’ve all had times when the thought of participating in a work social activity felt tedious and redundant. But do we have a choice? A recent court case in France covered by...

Does Having a Large Office Space Make Sense Anymore?

Does Having a Large Office Space Make Sense Anymore?

In the wake of Covid-19, amidst talent shortages and rising inflation as well as the preference for hybrid working arrangements, many of the businesses we work with are seeking the best way to remain profitable and ensure operations are efficient. As such, some of our...

The Value of Diversity in the Workplace

The Value of Diversity in the Workplace

In the spirit of Sydney WorldPride, we thought it an appropriate time to address the value of diversity in workplaces and how embracing all genders, sexual orientations, ages, ethnicities, religions, and abilities is vital to creating successful businesses that thrive...

Retrenchments & Layoffs: Things You Need to Consider

Retrenchments & Layoffs: Things You Need to Consider

When times get tough in business, difficult decisions have to be made, and sometimes that means letting go of employees for the business to remain financially viable. Let’s take the technology sector, for example. Right now, many global tech companies are letting go...

Why is Running a Sustainable Business Important for 2023?

Why is Running a Sustainable Business Important for 2023?

We have arrived at the beginning of another new year, and as we all get back into the swing of things at work, now is the time to consider our business goals and how we can improve and grow for 2023 and beyond. As a leading financial services and wealth management...

6 Tips for Taking on 2023

6 Tips for Taking on 2023

After what has been a whirlwind past three years, we are now looking to 2023 and what it has in store for the financial services and wealth management industry. Amidst the current volatile economic environment and turbulent market, there is still considerable...

The Future of Work: What Might it Look Like?

The Future of Work: What Might it Look Like?

From riding hoverboards everywhere to fighting for survival on a post-apocalyptic planet, there is no shortage of wild, wacky and sometimes dystopian predictions of the future. But when you think about the workplace of the future, what comes to mind? While 100 years...

Addressing the Quiet Quitting Movement

Addressing the Quiet Quitting Movement

What is Quiet Quitting? Thanks to Tik Tok, 'quiet quitting' has become quite the buzz term. But what is it? And what does it mean for businesses? In essence, quiet quitting indicates that employees are no longer going above and beyond their role requirements. While...

Is On-the-Job Training the Solution to Skills Shortages?

Is On-the-Job Training the Solution to Skills Shortages?

As recruiters, we are always searching for the best talent for your business. But what actually is the criteria for 'the best talent'? It might be easy to assume the best talent is someone with all the necessary qualifications, an impeccable reputation, and strong...

Leadership Burnout: What You Can Do To Beat It

Leadership Burnout: What You Can Do To Beat It

Hey leaders, how are you feeling these days? There is no denying that the past two years have been a time of extraordinary challenges for businesses, big and small. Leaders and managers have been running on adrenaline, reacting to the crisis of COVID-19 with a...

Why We Need to Destigmatise Career Breaks

Why We Need to Destigmatise Career Breaks

So, you've found a candidate that seems to know their stuff, has a good attitude and presents well, but you notice a gap in their resume. Does that mean they should no longer be considered? In short, no. Career breaks or gaps should not discourage employers from...

The Top 6 Qualities of an Excellent Financial Planner

The Top 6 Qualities of an Excellent Financial Planner

Good quality financial advice is always highly sought-after, particularly in the current job climate where qualified and experienced financial planners are in short supply. So, what makes a great financial planner? There is a long list of qualifications and expertise...

Managing the Expectations Vs Reality of a New Hire

Managing the Expectations Vs Reality of a New Hire

Hiring a new addition to your team is an exciting prospect, however, we are continually seeing this process clouded by stress due to the dire skills shortage. While many of us wish that hiring new people would fix all the problems in a business, it is just not...

The Truth About Work-Life Balance

The Truth About Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is a phrase we hear being thrown around a lot, and as a specialist recruiter, we notice that many of our candidates are putting it at the top of their priority list when seeking their next role. But what actually is work-life balance? And how can it...

Get the edge in your next Zoom interview

Get the edge in your next Zoom interview

Efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 have had wide ranging impacts on the labour market. The unemployment rate in Australia rose to 7.5% nationally in July 2020, a 2.2% rise compared to July 2019, which translates into an increase of 296,200 people. Candidates who...

Bridging the Skills Gap with Contract Talent

Bridging the Skills Gap with Contract Talent

As markets rebound, employers are finding it challenging to fill roles. Several factors are contributing to the issue of finding just the right candidate for the job. However, if employers understand these causes and take a strategic approach to hire, the skills gap...

Looking Beyond The Resume: How to Identify Top Talent

Looking Beyond The Resume: How to Identify Top Talent

A resume is not a person. It is a shortcut, a list of facts, a ‘book cover’ that all too often is used to judge the ‘book’ without any real understanding of the whole person—or their potential to become a top tier employee. At a time when there are candidate...

5 Tools to Counteract Unconscious Bias in Recruitment

5 Tools to Counteract Unconscious Bias in Recruitment

We are all navigating uncharted waters. Although there is much uncertainty about the near future for re-starting businesses and organisations, you should feel encouraged that strong organisational foundations and best business practices will get us through the many...

The Importance of Creating a Personal Brand

The Importance of Creating a Personal Brand

In today’s highly competitive job market, the age-old adage of who you know rather than what you know, still remains somewhat relevant. The professional and personal relationships we foster and the benefits they yield, through direct or indirect connections to a...

Probation – how to get it right as an employer

Probation – how to get it right as an employer

As an employer, what you need to know about using probation When a new employee starts work for you, it’s important for both parties to gauge the new relationship and whether your “new start” is suitable for the role. This period of time – often called ‘probation’ or...

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